New Year Blessing from Corrinne May

Message from Corrinne May:



One year ago, on a rainy day,
I was sitting at my computer in Singapore
reflecting on 2004.

Now, I sit at my desk in Los Angeles, the rain pouring
outside my window. Same weather, different place and time.

Hard to believe that one year is gone and another is just
around the corner.

So much of our lives parallel the turn of the seasons.

We plant our hopes and dreams and new resolutions on New Year’s Day
and nurture them, the promise of spring brings the promise
of hope and new adventures…the energy of summer brings
a renewed vigour to our pursuits, the fall brings with it the harvesting
of fruit and in the chill of winter, we are left with our reflections on how we’ve spent
the past year of our lives.

I am thankful for this past year.
I am thankful especially for the way you have supported my dreams and encouraged my pursuits with your smiles,
your listening ears, and the way you’ve shared reflections on your lives with me.
I am grateful to each and everyone of you.
Thank you for nurturing this flame.

I pray that with this coming year, you may sow many lovely dreams,
many seeds of hope that will take root, blossom, and be harvested.
May every gift that you have been given, multiply and be shared.
May the work of your hands be blessed and be fruitful.

And may every reflection on the past year, be a source of wonder
and inspiration for the new year.

Have a lovely new year, my friend.


2 thoughts on “New Year Blessing from Corrinne May

  1. PS Caterine

    谢谢你的卡片,很抱歉未能及时给你祝福。那天读着你的留言,很多感慨很多画面涌上心头。那一刻,有一个冲动很想把所有的感动与快乐换成一个拥抱快邮到另一岸给曾经同一个屋檐下的你只是,只是我还没来得及收集所有的情绪他们已经涌进了我的眼睛,哭了。呵呵~~我还是那个喜欢用眼泪表达情绪的女孩。最近,还好吗?很久没跟你聊天了,感觉好像一个世纪。有点怀念坐在同一个客厅不同的角落,彼此交换心情的日子。那是多久以前的事了?时间真的过得很快还记得认识你的时候,我才刚要踏进美国飞机上,到达水牛城的那一刻,我还记得你指向窗外的灯光,望着灿烂的夜景,叙述着这个城市的故事那一段日子,你一直像个哥哥一样照顾我们帮了我们无数个忙,教了我们很多东西而我们之间,也经历了不少的风浪只是很难得,直到今天,反而是你主动联系我这样让我惭愧,同时却也很感激。在一个人情淡漠的城市里,接到熟悉的问候,那种感觉真的很棒很棒谢谢你,振培,谢谢你没把我这个朋友给遗忘我想,我应该跟你学习,更主动更认真地去与朋友保持联络你的热情与动力,或许是我一辈子无法被懒惰征服的败笔但是,我会努力的。希望你过得很好。有空的时候,也让我知道你的一点消息。新年快乐,不管是迟来的祝福,还是早到的祝贺,仍然是我心坎处最真切的问候祝你 幸福

  2. Xu

    I like her

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