911事件 chinpeiSeptember 10, 2005 World Trade Center under Attack on Sep 11, 2001 不知不觉, 911事件也过了4年. 那个黑暗的时候, 虽然身在7小时车程以外的地方, 还是能够深深感受到那股恐惧感的. 911时间不只打击了美国, 也打击到世界上每一个居民. 为在这个事件丧失性命的人和他们的亲人们深深地默哀…
Kok-Lam 19 years ago Destruction is destruction when we think it isFoundation of the past cannot withstand the whole futureA future that’s larger than foundation of the past collapses eventuallyOnly through destruction as construction we achieve a stronger future
Destruction is destruction when we think it isFoundation of the past cannot withstand the whole futureA future that’s larger than foundation of the past collapses eventuallyOnly through destruction as construction we achieve a stronger future