
 上车前牵着她的手1分钟… 在车上5分钟一言不发…

从Times Square来到Grand Central…

车站外抱着她5秒钟… 感受回之前5分钟列车内发生过的事…




他已经知道… 她不再属于他了…


2 thoughts on “直觉

  1. Kok-Lam

    왜? what?

  2. Chinpei

    Yes? Can’t a story be like this?Isn’t everything POSSIBLE, as long as you can think of it, even though it MIGHT not happen?I know it sound like… the guy is irresponsible… But at least he knows he should let it go before any sad story occurs…Or… the gal might be hinting him in the train… and he understood…Anyway, you can think of anything you would imagine…I just leave this story here… in this way…

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