Another day in the quiet lab…
CP: You talked to Dr. Masters, right?
Dr. K: Yea…
CP: So, are we going to seriously collaborate with him?
Dr. K: Yes!
CP: The main thing is… is he interested?
Dr. K: Oh yea… he’s… until I gave him Lewis and Bullo’s book.
CP: That’s what I think… if he’s not interested, make no sense to get him into this business.
Dr. K: Yea… he’s interested, at least he found out that there’re mathematicians that are doing such things.
CP: Good… (I have a new collaborator)
Well, I know I won’t be able to escape from the scary Differential Geometry business, although I got an incomplete last semester. Now, at least my advisor talked to the mathematics professor and saying that they’re interested in collaborating. I can say, my path of research is going to be more interesting with such collaboration. But, at least, it can be brighter, since I’m really poor in mathematical background. By such collaboration, I hope I can really learn quicker and more efficient (at least now under pressure – we have to show our expertise and accept other’s expertise). My advisor told me the last thing:"We are going to meet him frequently, and we will get 1 journal published one followed by another, and 1 journal per 3 months. Just like basketball match, slam dunk… and continue, and slam again… We have a few interesting idea that can do that. This will form your dissertation work. By this, I hope we can be more systematic, and make more significant contributions." Good thing is… I see the sign, blinkly brightly. Bad thing is… am I going to be a mathematician, or mechanical engineer?